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PX Talk with John DiJulius

PX Talk: Insights From the Guru of Customer Service

I was able to do a one-on-one sit down with my favorite expert on customer service, John DiJulius. His career and client list is legendary and now includes the Charlotte Police Department!

We touched on some key issues facing medical practices in how we treat patients.

Customer Service for Medical Practices

Some people may think that medicine and the healthcare industry are world’s apart from customer service and the hospitality industry. That’s simply not the case. There is much that medical practices can learn in terms of how to better interact with patients as part of the overall experience. Here are 4 lessons doctors can learn from the hospitality industry for their own practices.

4 Small Ways to Make a Big Difference With Your PX

I’ve been fortunate to work with some great medical practices over the years. If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that the “big ideas” we come up with for change are often mistaken for having a big impact on how the practice is perceived. In reality, it’s the little things – the details of daily life at work – that seem to make the real difference as far as patients and employees are concerned.

2021 Elective Procedure Surge: What it Means for PX

What has the pandemic meant for elective procedure demand? From what we’ve seen, it’s meant a major surge in patients choosing to get corrective eye surgery, dental procedures, and other elective medical treatments. Why? Because the anxiety created by the pandemic caused people to examine in new ways what’s important to them.

patients or customers

Are You Serving Patients or Customers?

One of the reasons healthcare is “stuck” in the old ways begins with how we view the people who are coming in for medical services.

Are they your patients or are they your customers?

One term is limited to clinical care while the other opens the door to better experiences, more referrals, and higher overall satisfaction.

Are You a Boss or a Leader?

People commonly confuse the words leadership and management, treating them as if they are one and the same. It reminds me how, in my work with doctors, they use marketing and advertising as if they were the same thing. However, leadership takes many forms.