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Patient Experience

Life Milestones: Turning 90

As my father reaches his 90th birthday, I think back to everything he has taught me when it comes to what’s Beyond Bedside Manner.

Engaging ALL the Senses

While sight is regarded as the most precious of our senses, don’t ignore the opportunity to engage your patients with others that generally get less attention in the medical environment.

recruiting tips blog banner

Recruiting Tips with Patient Counselor, Jacki Vandina

Many practices tell me they have a difficult time recruiting great employees. The problem may lie in where you are looking! In recent travels I have met rockstar employees that all have one thing in common: they were recruited from outside of healthcare.
We touched on some key issues facing medical practices in how we treat patients.

PX Talk with John DiJulius

PX Talk: Insights From the Guru of Customer Service

I was able to do a one-on-one sit down with my favorite expert on customer service, John DiJulius. His career and client list is legendary and now includes the Charlotte Police Department!

We touched on some key issues facing medical practices in how we treat patients.