PX Talk Online
Doctors and healthcare leadership share their unique perspectives on patient experience and healthcare improvement insights.
Three ways to subscribe to each new episode on the PX Talk patient experience podcast!
Episode 13
Patient Counselor Jacki Vandina joins patient experience expert Shareef Mahdavi to discuss the importance of “hiring for attitude”, as well as why you should treat everyone the same by treating everyone differently, when it comes to customer service in your practice.
Episode 12
John DiJulius, President of the DiJulius Group, talks to patient experience expert Shareef Mahdavi about various aspects of providing great customer service, and provides some foundational best practices that all businesses can learn from.
Episode 10
Hear the story from the eye surgeon who performed the very first laser vision correction treatment on a human being in 1988. The miracle of LASIK – now the most popular elective surgical procedure worldwide – had humble beginnings in the laboratory with research that was highly controversial within the profession at that time.
Episode 9
Many people, including doctors, think they are skilled in negotiation. The data would suggest otherwise. In this PX Talk, attorney Joseph Bartel shares how he took skills learned in negotiating major corporate deals and now teaches those same skills to practices so they can get full value for their services and avoid discounting.
Episode 8
In this episode we talk with Ophthalmologist Dan Durrie. Watch as he and patient experience expert Shareef Mahdavi discuss Durrie’s newest project, in which he aims to take the world’s most commonly performed surgical procedure and move it into the doctor’s office.
Episode 6
Eye surgeon Lance Kugler shares his view on what the pandemic means for the future of medicine. In his PXTalk interview, Dr. Kugler describes the steps immediately taken and the plans for the future. The COVID crisis has simply accelerated many societal trends already underway.
Episode 5
In this episode of the PX Talk Podcast, Carrie Jacobs fro Chu Vision touches on passion, empathy, and the need to pivot as part of what’s allowed them to successfully re-open their practice.
Episode 4
In this special edition of the PX Talk Podcast, Shareef Mahdavi, bestselling author John DiJulius, Refractive Surgeon Vance Thompson, MD, and healthcare executive Jim Wachtman celebrate the launch of the PX Movement, Mahdavi’s new book , “Beyond Bedside Manner”, and have a wide ranging discussion on what exactly the PX mindset entails. Visit PXMovement.com today to join the movement!
Episode 3
Want to know what it takes for a doctor and their practice to have a great patient experience? Listen to this PX Talk interview with Dr. Nathan Unruh, one of the nation’s leading doctors of chiropractice. His passion for customer experience has expanded his career to where he handles business development for 300 practices around the country. Every medical specialist can learn from his perspective on what makes the difference between you and your patients.
Episode 2
CEO Matt Jensen of Vance Thompson Vision offers a candid view of what life has been like leading an organization of 200 employees across 5 states. Without question, a practice’s core values are getting tested right now. Matt describes how a blend of nimble strategy and a patient-centric culture that has made the difference. In this PX Talk interview, we cover specific actions that are part of each day, from handwritten notes to doctor-led facebook live sessions. Collectively, we are going through a “pause” that’s allowing individuals to step-up as leaders at all levels. The impact: new approaches to the patient experience and how we interact as we strive to improve it. 16 minutes.
Episode 1
Canadian plastic surgeon Mitch Brown, MD shares what his dual academic/medical medical practice has experienced these past few months. There are definite differences between the Canada and the US in terms of how each society has responded to “shelter in place.” Given the differences between our two healthcare systems, Dr. Brown shares his perspective on what the ideal healthcare system might look like that blends the best of both the US and Canadian models.